Monday 23 December 2019

What Are The Five Basic Things To Keep In Mind When Taking A Loan From

Bank loan makes our life easier, but we need to be careful while taking loan. A close look at the loan business for nearly three decades shows that the number of customers taking loans in the country has increased rapidly. 

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Solution to all your problems related to loan

The number of online landing platforms in the country has also increased rapidly. With this, it has become easy to get a loan from the bank. Due to easy loan, people are doing financial management in their life.
We are involved in five loans ..

1. Interest Rates: Fixed or Variable

In the case of a bank loan with a fixed interest rate, the interest rates remain the same for the entire duration of the loan. In a Business Loan with variable interest rates, the interest rates are linked to the Marginal Cost of Lending Rates (MCLR) and this varies.

Presently, given the environment of low rates of interest, you get the benefit in variable rates when the interest rates are reduced further. When you see that there is a possibility of increase in interest rates, then you should immediately shift to the fixed rate of interest.
Shifting from fixed to variable regime is not so easy. There are some expenses involved in this.

2. Repay the bank loan or part payment charge before time

You can repay a Business Loan before its fixed period. In the case of part payment, you pay a part of the outstanding loan amount.

While taking a bank loan, most people do not know whether they can repay the loan before time. The truth is that more than 50 percent of people seek this possibility in the middle of the loan period.

You should keep in mind that you are aware of all the terms and conditions related to repaying the bank loan ahead of time. If there is a charge in repaying the bank loan ahead of time, then you should find a way to avoid it.
In some bank loans, its part or prepayment is not allowed before one year.

3. Mortgage linked insurance scheme

When you take a bank loan, imagine the worst case in that case. If a person taking a bank loan dies suddenly, then there will be a huge burden on his family.

An insurance policy such as mortgage linked insurance scheme will not only reduce the burden of your family, but the insurance company will also pay the remaining amount of the bank loan. This will make your family's future secure. Take it not as a burden but as a help.

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4. Interest Savings Scheme

Many banks offer flexi schemes with mortgage loans. In this, instead of repaying the loan amount, you can deposit the additional amount in a savings / current account with the bank. This account is linked to your home loan account.

While calculating the interest, the lending Loan Against Card Receivables bank does not add interest on the amount deposited in your account and only adds interest on the outstanding principal, which reduces the burden of bank loan. You can also withdraw the amount deposited in your account according to your need.

4. Balance transfer at the right time

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If you have recently taken a loan, you can contact the bank and request to reduce the interest rates on the loan. If your bank does not agree on this, then you can consider a balance transfer with another bank. In this, however, you may have to pay some charge.
Before taking a bank loan, read all the terms and conditions carefully. Do not show speed in this process without understanding the condition of the loan.

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